De: Cecilia Iglesias - Red Ambiental
Hola a todos,
Envío información sobre el lanzamiento de esta Plataforma Global de articulación para los grupos principales y actores relevantes del PNUMA. A quienes estén interesados en registrarse les cuento que es extremadamente simple. A los demás les pido su colaboración en la difusión a sus redes y organizaciones colaboradoras.
I'm sending information regarding the launching of UNEP's Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Virtual Platform. To those interested in registering, I have to say it is extremely simple. To the others, please help us spread the word on the innitiative by sending this message to your networks and partner organization.
Lic. Cecilia Iglesias
Asociación Civil Red Ambiental
Asociación Civil Red Ambiental
----- Original Message -----
From: UNEP Civil Society
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 3:55 AM
Subject: Virtual Platform Launched
It is my pleasure to inform you of the launch of the Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Virtual Platform.
As previously mentioned, this virtual platform provides for exchange and consultation on key environmental issues in preparation for the GC/GMEF.
Major Groups can use this to discuss the thematic areas and work towards forming a Major Group statement.
Regions can use this to have regional discussions, come up with regional statements and even elect your representatives.
There is also the option for us to connect with Global discussions so that we can continue to learn from each other and work together all year long.
We will be informing the Major Groups of this Virtual Platform and request your assistance in putting content in the form of your ideas and documents regarding the thematic areas, the details regarding the Regional Consultative Meetings you are hosting, and your ideas for ways we can work together Globally.
The Major Groups and Stakeholders Branch
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
P.O. 30552 Nairobi, Kenya
If your organisation is engaged in the work of UNEP, please register its profile at
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