Tras la excelente noticia de Rosario, una nueva ciudad sancionó una resolución de Basura Cero! La ciudad de Sedona, en Arizona, Estados Unidos, se suma a las ciudades que han decidido poner fin al modelo de entierro masivo, incineración y contaminación.
Del comunicado de prensa de Sierra Club:

"Con la sanción de la Resolución, Sedona se convierte en la primera ciudad en Arizona en demostrar su voluntad por enfrenar el futuro de manera frontal, se suma a más de otros 200 sitios (ciudades, condados, e incluso Nueva Zelandia). Una declaración ambiental progresista como la que sancionó la legislatura señala que Sedona, uno de los sitios más bonitos del mundo, se encuentra preocupada por el ambiente del futuro, el crecimiento económico actual, el cambio climático y la preservación de los recursos naturales.

Sedona ha reconocido y ha tomado acción en torno a las dos medidas que cualquier ciudad puede tomar inmediatamente para reducir su impacto directo sobre el calentamiento global; eliminar los impuestos sobre la venta de energía renovable y adoptar los principios de Basura Cero."

Abajo está el comunicado completo en inglés. Felicitaciones a Sierra Club y a quienes hicieron posible que una ciudad más adopte el objetivo Basura Cero!


-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: [ZWIA] Sedona, AZ Adopts Zero Waste Resolution
Fecha: Sat, 15 Nov 2008 22:52:19 -0800
De: Gary Liss

Apologies for Cross-Postings

First City in Arizona to Adopt a Zero Waste Resolution

November 12, 2008  Sedona AZ.   This week at their regular City Council meeting Sedona AZ’s City Council unanimously approved a Zero Waste Resolution. Sierra Club Sedona-Verde Valley’s chairperson and member of the Sierra Club’s national Zero Waste Committee, Marlene Rayner presented the principles and benefits accruing from participating in a Zero Waste program  (see for details).  
With its passage of the Resolution, Sedona becomes the first City in Arizona to demonstrate its willingness to face the future squarely, it joins over 200 other proactive destinations (cities, counties, and even New Zealand). A progressive environmental declaration such as this, by the City Council proclaims that Sedona, one of the most beautiful places in the world, is concerned with the environment of the future, economic growth today, global warming,  and preservation of its natural resources.

Sedona has recognized and now acted upon the two measures any city can do immediately to reduce their direct impact on global warming; removal of the sales tax on renewable energy and adoption of Zero Waste Principles.

It is currently estimated that during the next 10 to 20 years the world will reach the threshold for global warming – caused mostly by human produced greenhouse gases (10% from landfills; 38% from provision of products and materials). Therefore, any measures we can implement today to diminish warming helps to delay this crisis.  Once the world reaches this limit, the now sequestered methane in the permafrost near both of the poles and deep in the oceans will be released into the world’s atmosphere.

Zero Waste Principles teach us to perceive waste as a resource, having value that can also save us money. The principles include: Reduce (or Refuse to buy); Redesign (to make products more recyclable); Repair (fix, especially redesigned products); Reuse (durable vs. single use products); Recycle; and Regulate (if needed to make producers responsible for safe disposal of their products). These principles significantly reduce energy use, resource use, and greenhouse gas production.  Businesses such as, Toyota, Apple Computer, Epson, Ricoh, Xerox, and Fetzer Vineyards are leading the way in attaining zero waste because of its economic benefits!

Zero Waste can fund and improve local economic development with new, green businesses and associated jobs, as well as create new college curriculums. Utilizing Zero Waste principles reduces the amount of waste products formerly  sent to landfills or slated for incineration – both significant contributors to pollution.

Sierra Club Sedona-Verde Valley Group and the City of Sedona look forward to fostering a successful Zero Waste program locally and one that encourages other Arizona cities to join in similar efforts.

For more information, contact:
Sedona-Verde Valley Group, Sierra Club
70 Whitetail Lane, Sedona AZ 86336
Contact Email:
Phone: 928-203-0340

Gary Liss       
Fax: 916-652-0485  

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